Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The first day in the hospital... (2/14)

Tuesday 2/14
We got the results from the MRI this evening, the doctors have basically given up on Thatcher, they said that the MRI revealed that there is significant atrophy to Thatcher's brain in both the upper and lower parts, they do not know how long he will live once he comes and they don't know that he will even make it to delivery. They have told us to enjoy what time we have with him and prepare as best we can... We have not given up. We know Thatcher is God's child, he is still here and he is still alive and we will continue to pray boldly for healing fully knowing that God is bigger than anything, any ailment or disease or sickness. Thatcher is still kicking and we rejoice in every move that he makes, we will fiercely love this child no matter what God's will is for him. Thank you so much for your prayers and support this far, please continue to pray for healing.We love you all and are so humbled by your prayers. Facebook and text messages are fine but please allow us some time to wrap our minds around all of this and take it all in.

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